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How to Ace Xmas Away from Home

Whether you're heading to stay near family this Xmas or you've booked a family getaway for foreign winter adventure, here are our top tips on making the holiday season as relaxing and fun as possible: 

French Loaf Holidays with Christmas Tree and Stockings

Pic: @frenchloafholidays

Book right

The Xmas period is full of unnecessary pressures, so make your Xmas break as enjoyable as possible by booking right and picking family-friendly providers. If you've not booked your itinerary yet, easyJet are recommended for European family getaways. We've flown with them extensively and have always been happy with their approach to H and helping us as a family. If you need accomodation then Baby Friendly Boltholes, iEscape, Tots to Travel and French Loaf Holidays are all aimed specifically at families. Plus, if you've yet to try AirBNB, it has lots of stylish and cool family properties to choose from worldwide. 

If you’re flying anywhere this holidays, you might like our article on How To Keep Your Hotdogs Happy While Flying.  

Pack right

Clever holiday packing always reduces stress, especially if you’re heading away for a special occasion when you’ll be tempted to pack even more! Make a list of your usual holiday essentials and then all the Christmas niceties you’d love to take, then work out what items you can get while you’re there or you could sacrifice in place of a bit of holiday creativity. How about instead of packing a whole box of tree decorations you pack card, paint, glue and ribbon to spend an afternoon making homemade baubles with your Hotdogs? Imagine the messy memories in the making! 

Embrace traditions 

If you're having Xmas away from home then you’ve got two choices: do everything you can to make it feel like a ‘normal’ christmas back home or embrace the novelty factor and make new traditions. We love these ideas on fun festive traditions from a book advent calendar to family games night and decorating the house altogether.

Plan your Xmas calls in advance

Reduce the risk of grumpy and impatient kids come christmas morning by having a plan of exactly what time things will happen! If you want to FaceTime family and friends before you open gifts then it’s a good idea to liaise in advance so you know parties will be free.  

Kid Wearing Banana Split Winter Print Hat

Pic: @ezi_mezi Shop our Banana Split Arctic Cub hat 

Go tech free and embrace offline fun

Getting away from your usual routine and home gadgets is the perfect time to break free of screens and really engage as a family. Why not make a promise to reduce your digital time while away and focus on family walks, cooking together and playing games. We’ve got loads of fun activity ideas on our blog depending on where you’re holidaying: 

Add your own festive touch

If you’ve booked yourself a christmas getaway, don’t forget to find out whether your accommodation will be making things festive for you or if you need to pack your baubles! Even if your holiday home or hotel will have a tree and other festive touches, it’s a nice idea to pack your favourite seasonal accessories to really make it feel like home. Ask your kids what they think would help to make the house feel really christmassy. 

Our Xmas Pinterest board is full of ideas if you need any inspiration on how to make your holiday house feel festive and fun. 

Get exploring, get local

Holidays are made for adventure so make sure you give yourself plenty of time to wrap up and get exploring as a family. Go and see the local christmas lights, book yourself a Panto ticket or head to the countryside for muddy welly walks amongst new scenery. Plus, find out what the nearby customs are at christmas! How do people like to celebrate? What do they eat? It’s always fun trying new delicacies and pretending like you’re a local. 

Let Santa know where you'll be

Don’t forget to reassure your Little Hotdogs that Father Christmas will know exactly where they’ll be this Xmas. Write him a letter and explain all about your holiday plans so they know you’ve updated him!

For more ideas for Christmas adventure download our free Magic + Memories Countdown Calendar and start having more winter fun with your hotdogs today! 


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